
Oxford RAM Awards 2018

  T Name Size Last modified
Comp. David A. Perry receives 20 year award. Exhalted 10 October 1998
Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
4.04 MB 2018-11-06
Comp. Dennis Youngs receives his Zerubbabel Pin
Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant, M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr. and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
3.87 MB 2018-11-06
Comp. Patrick M. Blenis receives 5 year award. Exhalted 3 June 2013
Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
3.81 MB 2018-11-06
E∴ James E. Dann receives 10 year award. Exhalted 3 November 2008
Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
3.89 MB 2018-11-06
M∴E∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr. receives a Double Diamond for his Zerubbabel Pin
Presented by GM 3rd Veil R∴E∴ Steven R. Shearer, Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
3.52 MB 2018-11-06
Oxford Royal Arch Chapter Awards
Photos by R∴E∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, DDGHP of The 8th Capitular District
4.11 MB 2018-11-06
R∴E∴ Steven R. Shearer receives 10 year award. Exhalted 7 January 2008
Presented by Grand High Priest M∴E∴ Allen M. Bryant and High Priest E∴ Daniel P. Kwasnik
3.88 MB 2018-11-06

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