Elias Light Chapter No. 33216
Generally we plan one stated meeting on the 3rd Thursday, a learning activity on the 1st Thursday, and one other activity every month.
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DeMolay is an organization dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 20 by developing the civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide. It is a youth leadership training program. As such the young men learn to plan and execute their program under the guidance and supervision of a qualified advisor team. Programs include fun activities, service activities, ritual presentations to other organizations, and ritualistically structured meetings. We are sponsored by Oneonta Lodge No. 466, F&AM. Our Letters Temporary were presented by M∴W∴ James E. Sullivan, Grand Master of Masons in NY, on August 3, 2013. The Letters are dated July 15, 2013. Our first meeting was on October 2, 2013. We are actively seeking young men to be distinguished as charter members. Please contact us at EliasLightDeMolay at gmail.com if you are interested. {FONT} Elias Light was the charter master of Oneonta Lodge.
Dress CodeStated Meetings: DeMolay Business
Merit BarsMerit Bars primarily are awards that recognize DeMolays for achievement in some phase of Chapter activity or in their personal lives while members of DeMolay. Merit Bars are awarded to individual members on the recommendation of the Awards Advisor. The Advisory Council makes a final decision about whether an individual has met the requirements for each bar. Each Merit Bar is produced in five colors. Each color designates the number of times a DeMolay has received a bar in that category. The color designations in order are: White, Red, Blue, Purple, Gold The categories in which Merit Bars are awarded through DeMolay International are Athletics, Attendance, Civic Service, Conclave, Correspondence Course, Fine Art, Fund Raising, Installing, Journalism, Masonic Attendance, Masonic Service, Membership, Merit, Priory, Religion, Ritual, Scholastic, and Visitation. DeMolay InternationalDeMolay was started almost 90 years ago in Kansas City, Missouri. Today there are approximately 1000 chapters in the United States. DeMolay has become International with Chapters in eight foreign countries. DeMolay International is the largest fraternal organization of young men in the world. It is an association of young men 12 to 21 years of age who are seeking to better themselves by learning leadership skills and practicing civic responsibility. There have been more than a million young men who have been members of DeMolay. Alumni members (over age 21) of DeMolay include John Wayne, Dan Rather, Willard Scott, Walter Cronkite, and countless others who have gone on to some form of greatness. DeMolay’s alumni include U.S. Senators, State Governors, U.S. Astronauts, Professional Athletes, and Chairmen of major U.S. corporations. DeMolay is dedicated to providing a positive, moral environment in an organization structure which allows young men to govern and direct their own activities under the “advisorship” of adults. The organization develops leadership skills and character within its members. It also helps members develop personal, family, and civic responsibility. DeMolay provides young men the opportunity to practice leadership techniques and the real world application of the same through its chapter settings. The organization assists young men in growing into responsible adults with good moral character, and provides them with a place to go, have fun, companionship, be accepted by peers, and develop social skills. ArticlesSpring 2023 Elias Light DeMolay InstallationBruceVB - 2023-04-07 16:53 - (534849 Reads)DeMolay Counselors InstalledBruceVB - 2021-09-17 08:37 - (4823 Reads)DeMolay ConventionBruceVB - 2021-08-30 18:15 - (5297 Reads)The newest members of Elias Light Chapter, Order of DeMolay, received the DeMolay degree conferred by a camp fire on August 2, 2021. On September 16 at 7:00 pm, we will have a simple public Installation of Officers with Jaden as Master Councilor and Dylan as Senior Councilor. Please join us to honor our young men. |